Ride the Hot Sisters Hot Springs in Oregon

The more than 260 miles of single track loop system that runs from Crater Lake up to Black Butte in central Oregon has a name too good to ignore. They call it the Hot Sisters Hot Springs route.

Writing this might very well crack open a previously secret bike packing route in Oregon. And anyway, the Hot Sisters Hot Springs route is catching on.

Riders enjoy lush forest, open plains, lakes, multiple hot springs, and more than a few lodges that serve up magnificent burgers and pints. It really is a mountain bikers paradise.

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Now, about the name. The Three Sisters mountain range, just north of Bend, are a stop along the trail system. And the name stuck, or at least as it appears was coined by two intrepid bike packers in 2015. 

One such fabulous stop on the trail is Paulina Springs and East Lake Hot Springs. Who would not enjoy riding maybe 40 miles in one day on dusty single track, and then enjoying a soak in a hot spring that sits at the edge of a lake? 

Other parts of the trail run through dense forest and along steep ridges. But maybe the best aspect is that the entire route is essentially rideable, which is a departure from some advertised bike packing routes that only end up with forced hikes through trackless stretches.

This one not only has hot springs, The Sisters, and lodge burgers, it’s long enough to afford bragging rights.