7 Picture Perfect Outdoor Date Ideas

I’m all for the classic dinner and a movie date, but being a little more creative now and then when it comes to date ideas can really pay off.

An outdoor date can cover a variety of activites that form bonds you wouldn’t get by sitting across a table, and they aren’t nearly as expensive. Here are seven great date ideas to get outdoors with your significant other.

Go for a Hike

This one may seem obvious, but many couples—even those who make taking walks a regular part of their relationship—never add a trip to their nearest trail to their list of date ideas. A hiking date allows you a little more peace, it provides new challenges and views to experience as a couple and it does a lot to promote a long, healthy life together.

RELATED: The Joys of Hiking with Your Wife


Rising in popularity over recent years, geocaching involves using a GPS to locate a cache—usually a small box with trinkets and a sign-in sheet—hidden somewhere in the woods. You don’t have to spend money on a handheld GPS unit either; smartphone apps like Geocaching or Cache Sense will do just fine. I guarantee that wherever you are, there are caches near you—there are over 14000 near me.

Scavenger Hunt

The outdoors holds a multitude of treasures not found anywhere else. One great way to discover some of them is to make a list of specific items and go on a scavenger hunt to find them. They can include a specific leaf, animal footprint, heart-shaped rock (this will score points) or spotting a specific animal. You can even make two lists and challenge each other to complete them or turn it into a form of Bingo.

Photo Album

If you have a camera—heck, even your smartphone will do the job exceedingly well—why not use it to capture a few memorable moments from your outdoors date. Hit a local park, nearby trail or explore a new area downtown and take some pictures. Bonus Tip: Afterward, spend some time choosing your favorites to edit and create a photo album via Shutterfly or SnapFish.

Learn a New Activity

Trying out a new outdoors activity together can make for a truly memorable date night. This time of year, stand up paddle-boarding can be fun to learn, while snowshoeing makes for a great winter date. Local outdoors retailers tend to host How-To classes throughout the year, too, so grab a calendar or check their website for a schedule. Bonus Tip: Want a change-up from the traditional miniature golf date? Look into foot golf for a date night activity, which involves kicking a soccer ball instead of hitting a golf ball.

Picnics Never Fail

Making a meal together and packing it up to take on a picnic at a nearby meadow or even a local park downtown is a tried-and-true classic date. Some city parks even project movies on outdoor screens at night, making for a great twist on dinner and a movie.

Star Gazing

What better way to wrap up date night than to spread a blanket out on the grass or the bed of a truck and take in the night sky? Get far enough away from the city and you’ll be able to see more stars than you thought possible. Bonus Tip: Download the Sky Map smartphone app to see which constellations and planets are above you.