Cabin Porn Releases Hardback Edition


Here’s one for all you smut peddlers out there. It’s cabin porn. No, it’s not what you might think. This is unadulterated pictures of beautiful cabins in the great outdoors from all over the world.

And like actual pornography, these photos are scintillating, that is, if you’re into that sort of thing. 

What began as a scrapbook by a bunch of friends building cabins in upstate New York, spawned a web site and a sizable Facebook and Tumblr following. Zach Klein, the creator of the site, also founded Vimeo. Now comes Cabin Porn, hardback edition, subtitled “An inspiration for your quiet place somewhere.”

To coincide with its release, the site put out a 60 second video featuring 10 cabins. Viewers of the History Channel show The Woodsmen might recognize a few. 

In the book version, the authors delve a little deeper into each design, providing more practical advice for those who might want to try some of this stuff. If you love cabins, not so much pornography per se, then cabin porn is for you. 

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