4 GoPro Modes to Experiment With on the Trail


GoPro cameras these days are everywhere. Spend more than a few minutes on YouTube and you’ll come across extreme videos of mountain biking, kayaking, and even fishing, all shot on GoPro cameras. Able to be mounted directly to a bike, board or to one’s forehead via harness, the GoPro has really revolutionized the way outdoorsmen capture and document their activities.

There’s more to the popular cameras, though, than “point-and-record.” Here is a look at several features that can be utilized to take your outdoor activity filming to the next level. And if you’re looking to pick up one of your own, enter to win our drawing for a GoPro by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. 

Time Lapse

This setting compresses a lengthy time period into a shorter time sequence. Your GoPro can shoot single frames in intervals of 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 or 60 seconds. There’s a bonus to this feature, too; editing isn’t necessary for a time lapsed video to play back correctly.

Slow Motion

Your GoPro typically shoots video at 30fps (frames per second). In order to create slow-motion effects with it, simply increase the fps rate as high as 120fps. To use this setting properly, slow motion must be shot in a well-lit environment, or your video will be too dark. Viewing your slow-motion video after shooting it will require video editing software, such as GoPro Studio, Premier Elements, iMovie, or Final Cut.


Also known as still photography, this is a very cool setting that slows down action to a frame-by-frame level by snapping up to 30 images in a 1-second “burst.” Use video editing software to display these snapshots as a moving video. There are various burst rates that can be selected, such as 3-image, 5-image, and so on.

Continuous Shooting

Similar to burst mode, continuous shooting mode allows you to continuously shoot single images—up to 10 per second—at a constant rate until you decide to release the button. Perhaps the best way to get the most out of your GoPro is to simply experiment and become comfortable with it. Don’t be afraid to push its buttons and see what happens. You’d be surprised with the results.

Photo credit: Dreamstime

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