Bison Attacks at Yellowstone Prompts Park Service Warning


With nearly a million visitors expected to Yellowstone National Park in July, wildlife officials are reminding people to be extra cautious following a spate of bison attacks.

A total of four visitors have been injured by bison so far this season and the park is just now heading into its busiest month.

In the most recent incidents a 68-year-old Georgia woman was gored on a hiking trail. Then a 19-year-old, also from Georgia, was struck when returning to her car after swimming with friends in the Firehole River.

Another incident occurred at the Old Faithful area when visitors approached too close to nearby bison Along with bison, visitors have contended with a range of other animals this year in Yellowstone.  Earlier this season, tourists scrambled across a bridge to avoid a mamma bear and her cubs. 

This also gives us a reason to post the most shocking video of tourists being chased by a bison some years back. Enjoy.

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