Mud Run in France Sickens More Than 1,000

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It’s a new low for mud run enthusiasts as more than 1,000 people were sickened with gastrointestinal issues after a giant Mud Day event in the French Alps. Who knew diving through mud could wreck such havoc on the digestive system?

The regional health organization reports in a press release that only one participant was hospitalized and his condition has no major concerns.  More than 8,000 people participated in the event from Levens in the Alpes-Maritimes on June 20. The 1,000 with illnesses reported vomiting, diarrhea and fever for a few hours, followed by intense fatigue.

Organizers of the event vowed to do all they could to determine its cause as further analysis was still being performed. One participant who got sick commented on Facebook that he thought the bacteria could have come from horse manure.

“If you had paid attention at the site of Levens you would have seen that the plain on which was installed the village and a few obstacles is a space dedicated to the Equestrian Centre of the village. On one passage you could feel the horse manure,” wrote Aidie Belmonte. 

The incident marks one of the largest mud run illness events since the pastime took hold worldwide. Last month a Houston woman suffered temporary blindness from a mud run event, along with multiple cases reported in recent years.   

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