When you venture into the wild, you’re bound to stumble into some pretty hairy situations. Rain, snow and, if you’re real unlucky, pissed off wild animals. Which would be the worst animals to have an encounter with? Check out our list of the deadliest animal bites to find out.
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deadliest animal bites
Blue-Ringed Octopus
The blue-ringed octopus is a bit more elusive than the rest of the animals on this list. They live in tide pools and in proximity to coral reefs in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They are well known for their blue and black rings as well as their yellow skin. And, if you ever find yourself face-to-face with one of these, don’t be suckered in by its pretty appearance. They are some of the most deadly marine animals on the planet. Why? Well, their bite isn’t particularly painful at first, but their poison is 1200x more toxic than cyanide and no antivenom exists for it yet. So if you happen to get bit, it’s basically over.
Brazilian Wandering Spider
All you need to know about this guy is that it won a prize for being the most venomous spider from the Guinness Book of World Records in 2010.
Deathstalker Scorpion
Most people have pretty strong feelings about scorpions. Bigger-than-average creeping bugs with pincers and tail for stinging… Well, in the case of the death stalker scorpion, they have a good reason. It has the most deadly poison of any scorpion. Okay, so this one doesn’t technically “bite” you, but it’s still about as deadly as an animal attack can get.
Grizzly Bear
One of the bigger species of bear, the grizzly is known for its aggressive behavior when defending itself, especially against humans. With a bite that has proven fatal to many a hunter, just be sure to steer clear of areas where grizzlies call home.
King Cobra
Probably the most famous cobra, this guy makes it on the list not because of the speed or strength of his bite, but, instead, because of how much “punch” it packs. The poison of the king cobra is incredibly powerful and can paralyze a human, send that person into a coma and then kill him. Did we mention that the poison is so strong that it can kills elephants within a few hours? If you ever hear a gentle “growl” and in you’re in rural Southeast Asia, be very careful of your surroundings.
Some of the most prized possessions for hunters of the world, the lion is one of the most dangerous beasts on the planet. Why? Because their bite is ridiculously powerful. Even though lions tend to utilize their intelligence and stealth to kill prey more easily than brute force, once they sink their teeth into an unsuspecting victim, it’s basically over.
The raw power of a tiger’s bite is something to behold. Don’t believe us? Let’s take a second to look at a few key components of their diet: wild boar and bears. We’re pretty sure that those animals are pretty dangerous themselves. Tigers can weigh up to 300lb and their bite has almost twice the force of a lion. But don’t worry, they almost never attack humans…