Gear Up: Therm-a-Rest Treo Chair

thermarestAfter a long day of hiking the trails, a comfortable place to take a load off is a lifesaver for some. Such a spot can be hard to find, though, unless you’re at a campground or car camping. In the backcountry, one is forced to sit on the ground, improvise a rudimentary seat from a boulder or log, or pack along a personal chair. Today, we’ll take a closer look at a great option for the latter, the Treo chair from Therm-a-Rest.

When you’re camping in the backcountry, shaving weight and saving space are crucial. Every inch of your backpack’s storage capacity counts. It is for this reason that most forego a campsite chair in favor of other items they deem to be more necessary. With the Treo, you don’t need to sacrifice comfort. The Treo is a lightweight, sturdy camp chair that rests on a tripod base and easily fits in a backpack without weighing you down. Its aluminum frame can hold up to 250 pounds, so a wide variety of hikers will be able to utilize its comfort.

The Treo’s base is only thirteen inches, which makes it very compact and easy to fit within a backpack. This lower base height also allows you to recline a bit while sitting, which some find to be more comfortable. The chair also folds into itself and packs into a nylon sleeve, which space-savers will love. Furthermore, its packed weight is just over two pounds, which makes it a lightweight option for comfort.

The Treo chair is available in three different colors—lime, sapphire, and slate—and comes with a price tag of $99.95.

There are many camp chairs out there for less money, and depending on your needs, they might be a better option than dropping $100 on the Treo. However, those who favor space-saving gear and still want a comfortable place to rest at the end of a long day on the trail would do well to look into Therm-a-Rest’s Treo chair. 

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