Firearms Industry Continues Explosive Growth

The business of selling firearms continues to boom, literally.

Gun enthusiasts like to say that President Obama has been their best salesman. Whether he deserves the credit or not, a new report from the National Shooting Sports Foundation says the economic impact of the industry has increased 158% since 2008, the year he was elected.

The total value of economic activity related to firearms and ammunition in the United States jumped from $19.1 billion in 2008 to $49.3 billion in 2015. The total number of full time jobs in the industry rose from 166,000 to 288,000, a 73 percent increase.

The firearms industry has been a rare bright spot in an otherwise lackluster economy. In just the last two years an additional 21,000 jobs have been added, paying an average of $50,000. The industry’s federal tax payments have increased by 144 percent, and Pittman-Robertson excise taxes that support wildlife conservation have grown 92 percent.

The full NSSF report can be downloaded, and provides a state-by-state break-out of job numbers and wages.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the firearms industry’s trade association, with a membership of more than 13,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges and sportsmen’s organizations.

© Photographerlondon | – Mature gun shop merchant looking at rifle in store