Hunting (Page 61)

In the big woods getting lost isn’t as scary as it used to be. Not because of changes in technology…
Wing shooting is an art form, and one of the biggest challenges in the art is doing something that doesn’t…
Fifteen minutes before shooting hours, everything looked perfect. The small flooded spot in the open field was about twenty feet…
When it comes to learning about the hunt, there is no more valuable place to be in the universe than…
For many hunters in the country, elk represents the supreme hunting experience and is very challenging where endurance and skill…
Whitetail in an Opening
If anything I consider myself a conservative shooter. I have always wanted a high probability kill shot and usually had…
Whitetail Doe
The woods in general and specifically deer keep a different schedule than our 9-5 rushed workday. The wilderness, even small…
Decoy Sunrise
Duck hunting in the salt marshes, bays and estuaries provides a taste of a different kind of wilderness. While lakes…
Canoe Hunting Ducks
There is a Winchester painting of a trapper in a canoe coming around a corner through the rapids, and directly…