Mule Deer are one of the most deceptive animals when it comes to accurately trying to judge their antler score…
If you have hunted long enough, you will run across some very strange things while in the woods.
Some studies suggest that all Black Bears carry a parasitic disease known as trichinosis, so adequately cooking the meat is…
If you are going to hunt bears, you will need to go where the bears are, and sooner or later,…
If you hunt bears long enough, you will eventually have to deal with a wounded bear. Here are a few…
The longer a hunter can observe a bear, the more likely they are to recognize the sex, health, and maturity…
During the peroxide process, you must always wear gloves as peroxide will burn quickly, and it might be a good…
Long thought of as a taxidermy process, whitening skulls is fast becoming a do-it-yourself endeavor by many hunters looking to…
Stalking bears is one of the hardest and most rewarding activities a hunter can ever be a part of.
After doing inventory on the contents of my hunting pack, I am again reminded why hunters generate billions of dollars…
Seeing a massive animal over a thousand pounds laying on the ground is intimidating, but trying to figure out how…
Unlike other rifle elk seasons, Colorado provides an over the counter option for elk hunters during the late 3rd season…
Small looking ears and a small looking head can tell you right away that you are looking at a mature…
Although most bear hunters pursue black bears, general bear field judging standards can also be applied to grizzly and brown…