Minnesota Duck Hunter Survives Head Wound

ducks flying

Now here’s a story that should raise the heads of every duck hunter or keep them down as the case may be.

One group of Minnesota duck hunters found out just how easy it is to have an accident when a fellow hunter was accidentally shot in the head on a recent trip, according to a report by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, according to WDAZ.com

Luckily the shotgun blast only grazed the 18-year-old’s head, putting a sizable tear in his cap along the way. Apparently the victim, Derek Bonsante, was hunting with four of his buddies, two of whom were in a canoe with him when a flock of ducks started flying right toward them. 

One of the shooters signaled he was going to shoot but when he did, Bonsante stood up right in front of him, based on the report. The incident occurred at 7:28 am and Bonsante was transferred shortly after to a hospital, where he recovered.

Whenever duck hunting with other shooters close by whether from a blind or a boat, it is so important to maintain good communication. With multiple barrels going up and the potential for chaos, accidents like these are good ways to learn valuable lessons. We’re just thankful it wasn’t worse.  

Photo credit: Dreamstime

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