Truth and Lies of Bowhunting, Part Two

arrowsIn Part One of this series, we discussed how bowhunting is an effective and humane method of harvesting big game. It is also a safe endeavor, as the test state of Massachusetts confirms by releasing fact that no urban bowhunter has ever injured a non-hunter in that state. Besides safety and efficiency, bowhunting has more bonuses.

It’s no secret that anti-hunters wish to stop and shutdown all legal hunting. Survey after survey has shown that the general public has a favorable view of hunting, so the antis have to resort to lies and distortions to try to score small victories. One such lie is that bowhunters are cruel. I have already discussed how a well-placed broadhead can efficiently and quickly kill an unsuspecting animal, so how is that cruel?

Apparently, anti-hunters are ignorant of one simple fact that should make all people in favor of hunting: every single animal that goes unmolested by mankind will die a horrible and often torturous and miserable death. If an animal is lucky enough to avoid predators its entire life, it will eventually succumb to starvation and possibly a long suffering death due to elements or disease. Every animal an ethical hunter kills and uses, is one less animal that will suffer a dark demise.

Another common lie about bowhunters is the accusation that they are deranged people who like killing too much. I can honestly say, I have never met a bowhunter who enjoys the death portion of a big game hunt. Only sickos enjoy death of any kind, so that claim seems more projection than fact based. Furthermore, if hunters just simply enjoyed killing animals, then they would raise pets just for killing purposes. Nobody likes killing, period.

Finally, there is a lie that modern technology in archery equipment has enabled average hunters to kill far more animals than in the past. This is really a funny one. Even with the most expensive bow, arrows, sights, broadheads, rangefinders and releases, I am still an average bowhunter at best. In fact, all of that new technology has also come with a heftier price tag, so my price of failing to kill a deer is also more expensive and costly. So, I force myself to get closer and become even more efficient at close range so that I don’t screw up and eat a tag.

By nature and by choice, when a hunter decides to become a bowhunter, he or she is agreeing to be instantly placed in the position of permanent disadvantage. 

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