Calling Bobcats, Part Two

In part one of calling bobcats, we discussed how different cats are from canines and that they need to be finessed and hunted in close quarters. Knowing how cats are different than coyotes and foxes is important, but adapting to their habitat and knowing their tendencies are crucial to your success. Here are some tips on how to close the deal.

The secret to being a successful bobcat caller begins with the actual call. An electronic caller that offers a remote operation option can be a secret and deadly weapon. The trick to tricking bobcats into revealing themselves is a matter of speaker placement. It is not enough to simply place the speaker away from you, but it is imperative that you place the speaker in a way that provides an obstructed pathway from the heavy cover to the speaker. Also, you will need to set up in a spot where you can observe a good portion of that path as a cat will try to keep cover between it and the screaming animal.

Obviously, the wind should be observed and tactically used to your advantage, but another calling technique that differs from coyote calling is to keep a call continuously going without any breaks. Since cats are deliberate and slow stalkers, they cannot be given a chance to concentrate on anything else besides the noise of the calling.

Another not-so-secret character flaw of a bobcat is that they are not the smartest animals in the world. They can be easily decoyed and if you can combine a fluttering or moving decoy with your calling speaker, your chances of success will skyrocket. Another good bonus of using a decoy is that a bobcat is not the best smeller in the world so his nose won’t bust your operation wide open like a coyote or fox will. 

If you remember that cats do not like to expose themselves, then you will never assume that a calling session did not work just because you did not see a cat come to the call. Very often, a cat will be close by, so when you get up to collect your gear or leave, look around. Cats will usually hunker down when they see something large move and if you are savvy enough to spot them, you might have a chance to kill one anyway, but don’t wait too long before pulling the trigger.


Bobcats are worthy of your extra efforts, so expand your predator hunting portfolio and give calling bobcats a try. 

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