I’m new to the smartphone craze. I like my phones small and pocket worthy, and I’ve held onto my last flip phone with the tenacity of a pit bull. However, my wife and phone provider have finally ‘convinced’ me to change. Since I have to have one, it pays to have the most up to date hunting apps to make the smartphone more bearable. Here are some of my new favorites.
First, is the Hunting Light & Blood Tracker by RedSnake Enterprises, LLC. This app turns the light of the screen into a colored lamp to help you see blood when you are tracking. It features red, green, white and blue lights and a “blood tracker” light that enhances red blood and reduces glare on leaves. It also features a record keeping device to help you record your hunt and kill information. For more information on this app, see their website at http://redsnake-enterprises.com.
Next is the Predator Hunter Extreme by Coral House. A game call app with 18 different electronic calls, an integrated wind map, GPS in Google maps interface, latitude/longitude coordinates, current wind speed and altitude, full weather conditions and forecast from location, humidity, pressure, visibility, sunrise, and sunset information at a touch. Everything you need to find, call, and be comfortable waiting. For more information visit: http://coralhouse.ca/wordpress/.
If you want to add turkey, waterfowl, deer and elk calls to your repertoire of predator calls, then Primos has a hunting call app as well. Primos Hunting Calls app, has 20 calls including their well-known calls, The Gobbler, “The Original Can®”, Hoochie® Mama, and the Heart Breaker™. For more information visit: http://www.primos.com/products/software-apps/st/.
It’s always good to have a survival app at your fingertips as well. The SAS Survival Guide is available for IPhone or Android and is full of information to help you survive. It contains the full text of the bestselling book, a free download of 16 videos providing invaluable survival tips, photo galleries of edible, medicinal and poisonous plants, a Morse Code signaling device, 100+ question quiz to test if you’ve got what it takes to survive, survival checklists, a sun compass search tool to scan entire book by subject, extreme climate survival sections on surviving polar, desert, tropical, and sea and a comprehensive first aid section. For more information visit: http://www.sassurvivalguide.com/
Finally, an interesting app to help you stay organized as you plan your next hunting trip is the Hunting Trip Planner app by Jimbl. “Configurable hunting planner with everything needed for any hunting trip. Comes pre-populated with more than 270 hunting related items. This is all you need to ensure you don’t forget anything. Check/uncheck and reuse every time you go on hunting trips.” Save time by not having to type your hunting list. For more information visit: http://www.appszoom.com/android_applications/lifestyle/hunting-trip-planner_ienp.html.