Two Essentials for Guided Whitetails

Every Whitetail hunter has their own habits, routines and schedules during deer season, but when you drop a month’s salary on a guided hunt, you owe it to yourself to adapt to the outfitter’s guidelines. Not only will this give you the best chance at success, but it will also help you learn new techniques and tactics that you can use on your own. Oh yeah, and it’s the polite thing to do.

Rod Sullins of Southeast Kansas Outfitters has hosted his share of hunters, from all over the country, for rifle deer season. “Most hunters show up slightly unprepared for the cold, and for the grueling schedule of hunting all day long,” Sullins said. Sullins runs two five-day hunts during the Kansas December rifle season and he game-plans for his hunters to sit on stand the entire day.

Sullins not only operates on the assumption that every moment on stand is a possible moment for trophy success, but he also sets up his stands in areas where walking in and out for lunch is not an option. “It’s a mental challenge to hunt all day, but hunters have to prepare for that possibility if they want the best chance for a trophy buck,” states Sullins. He adds, “Cold and boredom are the main obstacles of a hunter’s endurance, and cold can easily be overcome.”

Sullins recommends dressing in layers to combat changing temperatures. He also says, “For extreme cold, hand warmers and a down sleeping bag are hard to beat. Another option is a down body suit with suspenders that hunters can actually wear, and snacks to fuel the furnace.”

The mental challenge of all-day hunting is not easily conquered. Tedium, stress, and health are all contributing factors to having the wherewithal to stay put. Sullins recommends books and electronic games (in silent mode), and a lot of positive thinking.

So what is the reward for adapting to Sullins’ requests? “90% of my hunters have a chance at a 140-160 inch buck, and one-in-four have a legitimate shot at a 170 inch buck,” states Sullins. Those are very good odds, but it takes a sharp hunter to close the deal on every opportunity, and changing winds, unplanned movements, and sudden noises can also spoil the day. But there is no doubt, keeping warm is synonymous with comfort, and being comfortable creates the longevity needed to improve your chances on accomplishing your hunting dreams.

To learn more about Southeast Kansas Outfitters and Rod Sullins, visit

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