Turkey Draw

The Turkey Draw

Turkey DrawMy second setup on the ridge was initiated more by hope than anything else. Although there were two gobblers answering they were both distant and lost interest. After a while I lost interest too and began to move on up the ridge. My second destination taken gained enough elevation to put me well above “the draw,” and when I came to a clearing I could look it over. Sure enough, at the top end of the draw there was a gobbler strutting alone in the pasture. He was in the wide open, although it looked like there might be a way to get close if he would stay put.

Back down the hill I went and into the valley between the gobbler and the hill I had been on. There was a steep hill in the wide open pasture, and then after the hill rolled out into the flat stuff was the gobbler. As I came to the crest of the hill I went into stealth mode. Belly crawling far enough up to put the hen decoy in view, I stole a quick glance. The big turkey was about 300 yards off, however there were no major obstructions in the field. There was a chance. I settled in prone in the high grass and started in on the slate call. The big tom didn’t respond so I tried my mouth call. After a few clucks he went into strut and evidently saw the decoy. Now it’s on! Ten minutes of strutting and closing ground and the turkey was coming into range. I clicked the safety. At thirty yards, I bowled him over with the shot.

It took most of the day and more walking than usual. This time the draw paid off from a different angle and in the middle of the field no less. It’s the only time I have ever shot a Tom from the prone position as well, which I wouldn’t recommend in public hunting areas. Persistence pays off in the turkey woods (and in the draw) once again.