There are a few fish species that have almost a cult following among the fishing community. Crappie seem to be one such species. It’s almost as if you either fish them religiously or you don’t go near them. Today, though, we can blur that line a little by taking a look at some fishing tips for spawning crappie.
Knowing where to look is your first step. Crappies commonly spawn on gravel banks and where the water is less than five feet deep. Keep an eye out for these banks as you make your way along the shoreline. Keep the the boat within casting distance of the water's edge and cast along the banks. Here, using a jig suspended under a small bobber while moving will yield results.
It’s also smart to watch for cover at the water’s edge and along the shoreline. If you have a fishfinder, monitor it closely, keeping an eye out for submerged stumps, logs, or brush piles. During this process, if you catch any crappie, make sure to work that spot thoroughly before moving on.
Another great place to look is docks. Often times, docks on good fishing lakes will be baited—the owners sank brush beneath them to attract crappie and other fish. Pick apart the waters around these docks and pay special attention to the shore, as well. After you've worked the shoreline, you can remove your bobber and work around the dock’s tip, where the water is deeper.
Minnow Spins, Mister Twisters, Beetle Spins, and small plastic grubs are great, as anyone who knows crappie can tell you. Either work them along the shoreline or around docks, or jig them vertically among submerge cover when you find it using electronics.
Crappie are a welcome sight at the dinner table, and the tips outlined today will provide you with solid first steps to making that happen. The spawn can be a tricky time to target crappie, but with some knowledge, you can reel in your fair share of slabs this season.