Author (Page 26)

Tracy Anderson

Tracy Anderson

Tracy Anderson’s achievements as a multi-platform fitness/wellness pioneer and author make her the world’s most renowned expert in the health and fitness industry. She is best known for her Tracy Anderson Method, with devotees including Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Lopez, Victoria Beckham, Nicole Richie and Robert Downey Jr. Over the past 16 years, the Tracy Anderson Method has grown and evolved, though the basic premise remains the same: Tracy continues to develop thousands of new routines to ensure that no client ever plateaus.   

With four studio locations—including a brand-new studio in Los Angeles’ Brentwood neighborhood—and more than 160 DVDs, Tracy has transformed the bodies of thousands of people across the globe. She has designed several tech innovations and fitness solutions, including the patented Iso-Kinetic Band System, The Hybrid Body Reformer, The Super G Floor, The Sprung AB Block, and The Men’s High Intensity Machine. In addition, Tracy has created a meal replacement shake, a nutrient program and is offering global real time video streaming from inside her studios.  ​

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| When I'm teaching, I'm most impressed by a student who shows up for me and for themselves, is all in and not judgmental.