Climbing a hill on a mountain bike isn’t as difficult as many beginners make it out to be, and really…
During the peroxide process, you must always wear gloves as peroxide will burn quickly, and it might be a good…
Veterans will tell you that getting snagged is simply part of steelhead fishing and if you’re not getting snagged now…
Believe it or not, there are many anglers—beginning and experienced, alike—who don’t know what some of the common fishing terms…
Long thought of as a taxidermy process, whitening skulls is fast becoming a do-it-yourself endeavor by many hunters looking to…
One of the best ways to make the outdoors a steady presence in your new family’s life is to immerse…
Whether you’re navigating rock obstacles that require precision maneuvers, or the road you’re exploring is near the edge of an…
As I’ve always said, the hardest part of fishing during seasonal changes—even changes within the season itself—is keeping up with…
Stalking bears is one of the hardest and most rewarding activities a hunter can ever be a part of.
Whether you’re talking about famed baseball legends or the most recognized crooners of country music, a hall of fame denotes…
When your ambitions take you further from home, it’s time to strap the bike to a car rack.
After doing inventory on the contents of my hunting pack, I am again reminded why hunters generate billions of dollars…
As the fall months stretch on and water temperatures drop into the 60-degree range and below—into the 50’s—walleyes in the…
Seeing a massive animal over a thousand pounds laying on the ground is intimidating, but trying to figure out how…